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Detect AI-generated
content in the classroom

The standard solution for AI detection in education:
ensuring trustworthy content for academic excellence.

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This text is most likely plagiarized

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Use IntegrityAI in your classroom

The solution to AI-assisted plagiarism, built for educators.

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What is IntegrityAI?

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IntegrityAI is the leading AI content detector designed to determine the authenticity of a text. Our detector assesses whether a given text is generated by an AI tool like ChatGPT or written by a human. It excels at identifying AI-generated content in multiple forms, from individual sentences to entire documents.

How does IntegrityAI work?

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AI content detectors use advanced algorithms and data analysis techniques to evaluate the origin of a text. They scrutinize texts at all different levels and recognize patterns to successfully locate AI use.

When should I use IntegrityAI?

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AI detection software such as IntegrityAI is especially valuable when assessing plagiarism within a given text. IntegrityAI also offers a Chrome extension which allows for mass file uploads to expedite the detection process.

Can teachers detect if you used an AI assistant like ChatGPT for schoolwork?

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Teachers do have methods to detect AI involvement in student assignments. They might pick up on signs such as unnatural language, superficial depth, or inconsistencies in the work. Additionally, some educators use AI detection software to identify AI-generated content. It's important for students to be cautious about relying on AI for their schoolwork, as it can be considered academic dishonesty.

Does AI detection exist to help teachers identify AI in student assignments?

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Yes, there are AI detection tools like Integrity AI that are designed to assist teachers in identifying AI-generated content in student assignments. While these tools can be valuable for maintaining academic integrity and ensuring that students are producing their own work, IntegrityAI offers greater accuracy due to combining multiple methods of detection.